суббота, 7 июня 2014 г.

встреча в Нормандии

 когда взгляды более говорящие,чем невысказанные слова ....

 деилимаил порадовала с утра

Screen: President Obama and Russian President Putin were shown together on a video screen during the Ouistreham International Ceremony at Sword Beach
Split: Obama looks at Putin on the split screen while servicemen stand on a temporary stage at the event
International pose: President Barack Obama (front left) and French President Francois Hollande (middle) stand with The Queen (second left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (front right) and David Cameron (back left) for a photo outside the Chateau Benouville

Gathering: The French President called on nations to fight against threats to peace just as the D-Day troops during a luncheon for Heads of State. (from left to right) Barack Obama, The Queen, Queen Margrethe and Vladimir Putin are sat at the top table
Facing different directions: Barack Obama looks on as Russian President Vladimir Putin walks past in the background

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